Patty and The Buttons from Minneapolis, Minnesota, will officially be releasing their second album on November 29, 2014. On Bandcamp though, it's already available.
The Mercury Blues
Release date: November 29, 2014
Immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. Plus: includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
Digital Album
About The Band
Patty and The Buttons (founded in 2008) preach the gospel of hot rhythm and happy feet.
The band is similar to what you would find in a dance hall, cafe or nightclub anywhere around the world between 1920-1940. Despite being an ensemble firmly rooted in tradition, the band presents their music without being shackled to history.
They play their own compositions as well as takes on music of the era. Patty’s eclectic taste gives the band diverse influences including New Orleans Traditional Jazz, Western Swing, Gypsy Melodies, Ragtime Piano Blues, Jug Music and 1930′s Popular Song.
The core instrumentation of accordion, clarinet, guitar and bass is light and swift, but also melancholic and lush when it needs to be. Patty, mostly known as an accordionist doubles as the bands vocalist. His voice is inspired most by the old time hollers and croons from the dawn of recording once described as “Tom Waits meets Rudy Vallee.”
More than anything, The Buttons is a group that is always enjoying themselves… Which seems to give audiences permission to do the same.
Band Members:
Patrick “Patty” Harison – Accordion/Vocals/Steel Guitar/Washboard/Ukulele
Keith Boyles – Bass
Tony Balluff – Clarinet
Mark Kreitzer – Guitar
Now Check Out:
- Release: Once Over Lightly – August 2012
- Website Patty and The Buttons
- Facebook Page
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